women owned small business

Sponge.io is Now a Women-Owned Small Business

Sponge.io is now certified as a Women-Owned Small Business!

We’re excited to announce some exciting news for Sponge.io! The federal government officially recognized us as a Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB). This milestone celebrates our commitment to women business owners and opens up new avenues for growth and collaboration.

What Does Certification Mean?

The WOSB federal contracting program, managed by the Small Business Administration (SBA), was created to support women entrepreneurs by providing greater access to federal contracting opportunities. This certification confirms that Sponge.io meets the SBA’s criteria, which include being at least 51% owned and controlled by women.

TL;DR: It ensures that our business can compete for contracts designated explicitly for small women-owned businesses.

Why Does This Matter?

For us, this certification is more than just a badge of honor; it represents a commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive business environment. Women entrepreneurs still face unique challenges in the business world, and achieving this certification is a significant step in leveling the playing field.

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What’s Next?

With this new certification, Sponge.io can access a broader range of federal contracts and opportunities. The WOSB certification also opens doors for more strategic partnerships and collaborations, allowing us to bring our expertise to new and exciting projects that we’re passionate about.

We look forward to leveraging these new opportunities to drive growth, support our clients, and continue to build a company culture that values and promotes diversity.

A Thank You to Our Supporters

This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering support of our incredible team, clients, and partners. Your belief in Sponge.io and our mission has been instrumental in reaching this milestone. We’re grateful for your support and are excited to continue working together to achieve even greater things.

Visit the SBA’s official page for more details about the WOSB federal contracting program and its implications for businesses like Sponge.io.

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